Creative Place for Your Psyche to Land
+ SparrowLand | Finding Your Creative Home
+ Depth Psychotherapist
+ Interventionist | After Care
+ Creative Inspirer | Artist Accelerator
+ Performer | 4 Solo One Woman Shows
+ Artist | Painter | Performer
Sparrow Land

Our Mission
The ideology that we are all creative and meant to be creating. Supporting folks in long term recovery & mental illness. Art Heals is our through line.
We are committed to fostering artistic development that may need excavating or already exists. We hold & honor the creative birthing as a sacred journey.
This performing arts program & production company has monthly shows.
The desire to connect and be seen is a human desire - therefore we will continue to build community within every event, show, retreat, & project.
This event combines the founders Depth Psychotherapy Therapy world & producing 4 solo shows one that premiered off Broadway in NYC.
The Event
Momma & Son Sparrow in a soulship partnership created a show: it’s a slice between a play, performance art & reality tv except in a live theatre, dance studio, yoga space, loft, conference space.
We are building awareness of conscious/intuitive living, fostering artistic development, building community, & culminating in an evening of art & live music, & performances. The focus on recovery & building a voice & place to have your voice heard on stage.
An array of conscious living vendors include apparel, vegan food, jewelry, spiritual items, books, & many more!